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Healthy Holiday Office Party Tips

By Nikki Sunshine - December 11, 2017

The holiday season is a time of celebration, family, laughter, and presents. It’s easy to get caught up in all of holiday cheer and put your wellness to the side. If you are throwing an office party, you have the power to bring health and wellness to the most gluttonous time of the year. Whether you integrate fun activities or offer healthy food and beverage options, there are several ways to keep you and all of your guests from wasting an entire year of healthy habits.

Here are 5 simple tips to promote a healthful holiday season in your workplace:

Get Moving with Fun & Games
The holiday season brings people together. Most gatherings tend to be planned around eating dinner or some other meal. Bring something different to the table by planning an outing or bringing entertainment in-hou

se. Team building activities can also be an effective way to steer people away from the bar. Games like charades, cornhole and even scavenger hunts give everyone a chance to be active and burn off some calories from excessive holiday consumption.

Alcohol & Food Free Zone

Create an area where guests can socialize without distraction. People congregate around these things, so give them a chance to have some face to face interaction without the temptation of indulging.

Incorporate Wellness
Self-care can get lost in the commotion of the holidays. Give everyone, including yourself- a moment to relax and relieve some built up stress. Offering chair massage is a great way to show appreciation for your peers.


Offer Healthy Options
You can still allow people to bring their own dishes if you enjoy potluck style! Just a few healthy drink options for those who don’t drink alcohol and some lighter side dishes can make all the difference.


Avoid Large Plates & Cups
Have you ever heard the saying “your eyes are bigger than your stomach?” Using a large plates tricks you into serving yourself larger portions, which either end up getting wasted or causing you to overeat. Use a smaller plate and still get same effect of filling it up while eating less. Plus- you’ll have room for dessert!

We are already bombarded by advertisements from television to billboards, begging us to gorge during the holidays and forget about our health. Don’t become your own worst enemy by promoting unhealthy habits, especially in the workplace. It’s easy to encourage wellness while still celebrating the holidays by thinking outside of the box. Your mind and body will thank you!

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