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How To Keep Your Team Productive During The Holidays

Keep The Joy Flowing Through The Holidays!

By Nikki Sunshine - November 28, 2017

The holiday season has arrived, and most industries are gearing up to satisfy the burning desires of insatiable holiday consumers. Contrary to being the most profitable time of the year, many companies actually suffer from a major lack of productivity during this time.

There are many forces working against productivity- making it that much harder to reach those end of year goals. Whether it be planning trips, taking trips, watching kids, holiday shopping or general stress due to these things and more- most companies can expect a dip in productivity between the months of October and January. Finish the year on a strong note by understanding these six insights on keeping employees motivated during the holiday season.

Work From Home Days

When appropriate, offer a couple of days where employees have the option to work from home. This will allow for employees to have a bit of extra time to get things done in preparation for the holidays. Your employees can save those extra few minutes commuting back and forth to work and for lunch and use them for things like cleaning or gift shopping.

Create a Festive Environment

It may sound trivial, but adding some personality to the office by decorating for the holidays is important. No one wants a scrooge for a boss, so show some holiday spirit and keep the joy flowing throughout the holidays. Studies show that the more engaged workers are, the more productive they are. A 2016 Gallup poll on employee engagement shows that businesses with high employee engagement see higher productivity than less engaged employees. Hold holiday themed events like Secret Santa or a potluck to keep employees excited about coming to work.


Holiday Bonus

It’s been a long year, and you’ve hit the home stretch. Many workers will feel exhausted and underappreciated at this time, feeling as though they have hit a dead end. It’s important to be attentive to lackluster attitudes and offer tools to help refresh unmotivated employees. You can create a winning situation for everyone by giving your hard working team a holiday bonus. In a 700-person study performed by the Social Market Foundation and the University of Warwick in Britain, it is undoubtedly shown that happiness in the workplace bring an increase in productivity.


A holiday bonus can come in many forms. The best thing you can do for your company is to provide employees with a holiday bonus that benefits their wellness. Instead of offering a bar tab at happy hour, take a shot at improving moods through yoga or massage therapy. Corporate chair massage is an easy way to get productivity up, and many studies suggest that yoga can lower blood pressure and anxiety. Holding small group yoga classes is a fun way to bring employees together, as well.


Maintain Open Communication

Setting and communicating realistic standards for workload and attendance is a vital step in defending the productivity of your workplace. September may even be an appropriate time to figure out what the work schedule will be for the rest of the year. If you need to have someone on call, ask for volunteers. You may be shocked to find that many people stay are staying in town for the holidays and want to make money. Use online communication tools to connect employees and get them to solidify their plans on a shared calendar. The more you can provide open communication between yourself and your employees, the less surprises there will be!


Reevaluate End Of Year Goals

October is a good time to look back on goals you have set and measure progress. Setting goals that are out of reach can negatively affect productivity. Adjust as needed, and set new goals for the end of the year, as well. This will keep things interesting and inspire that final push that’s needed at the end of the year.


Stay Organized

It can be tough to maintain order in the season of balancing acts. Between work, family, sleep, life- typically we can’t have them all. Preserve everyone’s sanity by staying ahead of deadlines and keeping a clear, accessible schedule for yourself and everyone who needs to be informed of your whereabouts.


If you are worried about productivity this holiday season, your best bet is to embrace the holidays.  The old saying, “if you can’t beat them, join them” truly comes to light in this situation. It can be easy to forget that you are all on the same team. Each person’s success and happiness is a win for all. Working with employees to ensure that they remain happy and engaged is your key to success throughout the holidays.


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