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A Special Thank You Letter To Teachers

For Teacher Appreciation Week, May 7th to May 11th

Carolina Cuartas

During Teacher Appreciation Week, May 7th to May 11th, we take a week to honor teachers hard work and vital role in shaping our society. Honestly, how can you not be grateful for teachers? Without them you wouldn’t even know how to write your name or multiply numbers. This letter is for the teachers who are shaping our youth. For the countless deeds they did for us and our children.

Thank you for always being available and willing to long work hours.

Thank you for for caring.

Thank you for helping us believe in ourselves and to follow our dreams.

Thank you for being our friend.

Thank you for teaching us the importance of education.

Thank you for shaping our youth.

Thank you for protecting our children and working hand and hand with parents.

Thank you for showing us the importance of kindness.

Thank you for being brave and facing the uncertainties of working at a school.

Thank you for teaching us that love always beats hate.

Thank you for giving us confidence and not giving up on us.

Thank you for your patience.

You can take pride in knowing that you are empowering students. You inspire students to pursue path that may one day change the world. You facilitate growth by teaching us how to believe in ourselves and work with others to do out best.

Growing up, I was surrounded by teachers. Not only in school, but my mother and sister-in-law were teachers, too. My mother always emphasized the importance of gaining an education and taking as much in as I could from a very young age. She is a recently retired Spanish teacher, who has worked for the Elizabeth Board of Education for the past 25 years and is still passionate about teaching. I asked her why she worked in the same profession for so many years and she explained, “I do this for the kids, not for paycheck. They are the future of this country. My students are my #1 priority.” I remember her grading papers late into the night and creating lesson plans during her ‘summer vacation.’ I remember my sister-in-law's selflessness, as well. As a special education teacher she would come home worn out with scratches on her hands, yet she never once complained through it all. Her love for working with kids and that selflessness she expresses, like many teachers, is truly inspiring.

With immense gratitude,

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