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How a Wellness Program Creates a Healthier Work Environment

By Hanna Kim - July 13, 2018

What is a Wellness Program?


In recent years, people have started to pay more attention to their health and for many good reasons. It’s coming into light that in order to be healthy, we must take a proactive role in how we treat our bodies. It is no longer enough to just not be sick to consider ourselves well.


People have busier lives than ever between work, family and friends, and hobbies. The US Department of Health and Human Services states that only one in three adults in the country receive the recommended amount of physical activity each week. However, most people want to be able to make the right choices to keep their bodies strong and able. Moreover, they want to be mentally and emotionally nourished.


"The Washington State Health Care Authority reports companies see a 3 to 1 return on their initial investment into a wellness program."


A wellness program is a strategy employers can use to enhance their staff’s wellbeing. Programs may cover a wide array of health issues, not limited to: nutrition, fitness, managing habits, cholesterol and blood pressure screenings, and stress management. Employers help their employees make healthier choices, and in turn see the benefits of happier and healthier employees. The Washington State Health Care Authority reports companies see a 3 to 1 return on their initial investment into a wellness program.


Why Incorporate a Wellness Program?


A wellness program has advantages for both employees and employers Employers can see benefits in the form of reduced absenteeism, lower health care costs, increased productivity and a boost in morale. AFLAC’s 2016 Workforce Report found that 76% of companies with wellness programs say they are able to offer lower health insurance premiums as a result. A push in the right direction can really get the ball rolling towards the lifestyle people need to prolong their well-being and ward off preventable diseases.


"61% of employees in a nationwide survey agree their company’s wellness program helped them make healthier lifestyle choices and they also report higher rates of workplace satisfaction."


They also found that 61% of employees in a nationwide survey agree their company’s wellness program helped them make healthier lifestyle choices and they also report higher rates of workplace satisfaction. People who are more satisfied with their work environments are more likely to stay and be a team player. Employee retention is a more cost-effective solution than the time and resources it takes to hire, on-board, and train a new worker.


LoDo Chair Massage Can Simplify Wellness for Your Company


LoDo Chair Massage provides a number of services designed to make wellness easy for your company. Our trained massage therapists and yoga instructors bring their services right to your door. For chair massage and desk chair yoga, all your employees need are some time and a quiet space to rejuvenate their minds and bodies. Past participation rates for chair massage and office yoga events are very high, so you can feel assured this is a service your employees will take advantage of. Our wellness programs are now available in 21 cities with hundreds of highly satisfied clients.


Give us a call at 888-673-2535 to learn how we can help you and your employees gain from a health-boosting massage or yoga.





About The Author

Hanna Kim has been practicing massage therapy at LoDo Massage Studio since 2016. She ventured into the world of complementary healthcare through massage, after studying Advertising and Intercultural Communications in college. She enjoys combining her passions for writing and wellness, and loves sharing what she learns with others.




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