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Mental Health in the Workplace: Creating A Positive Space

Keeping employees happy and healthy is essential to a productive work environment.

By Hanna Kim - July 20, 2018

Last year, Olark amassed substantial media attention when one of their employees, Madayln tweeted how grateful she was that the CEO respectfully acknowledged and supported her decision to take a day off to take care of her mental health.

Why has this one tweet received so much attention? Mental health issues affect at least one in six Americans, yet public acknowledgement of these issues still holds a high level of stigma for many. People feel that it is more acceptable to have physical pain or illness and will sometimes use that as a cover to excuse themselves from work but it shouldn’t have to be that way.

Today’s Workers Place High Value on Wellness and Companies Should Too

It seems the growing number younger people and women at work may be bringing attention to the importance and prevalence of mental health issues affecting millions of Americans. Mental Health America (MHA) partnered with the Faas Foundation in 2017 to conduct a two-year research project on workplace mental health, surveying and analyzing over 17,000 employees across 19 industries in the United States. The researchers found less than one-third of Americans are happy with their work.

70% of these survey participants reported they were thinking about or searching for other jobs, and over half of these dissatisfied employees are spending between 21-50 hours a week doing so. That amount of time spent each week is practically equivalent to holding down another job.

Unhappy and unhealthy work environments are ultimately bad for a business’ bottom line. Stress from work can manifest as physical illness like bodily pain, weight gain and even heart attacks, but it can also take a mental toll. Corresponding data from the World Health Organization shows the global impact of depression and anxiety on the economy, with US$ 1 trillion being lost each year in productivity, as those in unfavorable work environments tend to report higher rates of absenteeism.

What can you do as an employer to keep employees happy, healthy, and productive? Last week, I introduced how creating a wellness program can bolster workplace satisfaction. Mental health makes corporate wellness an important investment now more than ever. In order for companies to keep and attract employees, it is vital to start paying attention and making changes to becoming highly desirable workplaces.

MHA suggests creating a healthy work environment where “individuals feel valued and supported, provides a positive workspace, and shows respect for other aspects of a person’s life.”

Two areas Lodo Chair Massage can help companies create such an environment is through our chair massage and yoga services. Workplace wellness events are one way to show appreciation for hard working employees, that is also affordable to small and large businesses.

Contact us today at 888-673-2535 for quotes in your city today!


About The Author

Hanna Kim has been practicing massage therapy at LoDo Massage Studio since 2016. She ventured into the world of complementary healthcare through massage, after studying Advertising and Intercultural Communications in college. She enjoys combining her passions for writing and wellness, and loves sharing what she learns with others.

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