By Hanna Kim- August 31, 2018
With multiple upcoming deadlines and target goals to reach, it can be easy to forget to take a moment to acknowledge the accomplishments that have already been made. The National Day of Encouragement was launched in 2007 to remind us of the importance of showing we appreciate the good work that those around us are doing. In order to continue doing good work, people need to feel their contributions matter and that they are an invaluable part of the organization.
ÂHere are some ways leaders can encourage employees to stay motivated at work:
ÂAsk and Listen
ÂA simple way to begin motivating employees is to find out what you can do for them to help them succeed. It is impossible to know how to make the most meaningful impact without knowing what is on your employees' minds. Set up a time to meet with each team member regularly so they can share any ideas or concerns they have. Use your eyes as well as your ears to really hear what employees mean. It is encouraging for employees to know that their managers truly care about them on an individual level.
ÂRecognize and Reward
ÂIt is the small, everyday objectives that are met which turn into the big wins. When employees do something well, take the time to notice the job well done to facilitate further progress towards a bigger goal. You can go further by sharing your team members accomplishments with one another, as well as others in your organization to help them shine. Remember to reward your team in meaningful ways as well.
ÂCreativity and New Skills
ÂBusinesses are always adapting to stay current and it starts with the people. If you notice an employee seems frustrated by a particular assignment, start by reminding them of their past successes. Then work with them to see what could be done differently to work through the problem. Consider additional training or skill building opportunities as necessary. Foster creativity in your team members by holding a brainstorming session where no ideas are wrong.
ÂEncouragement fosters a positive work environment necessary to give people a reason to come to work each day and be ready to go beyond expectations. It is crucial for a leader to continuously find ways to motivate employees to be their best. Their successes mean success for you and your business.