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Actions That Show Your Boss You Appreciate Them

By Hanna Kim - September 26, 2018

Bosses have a lot on their plates, with agendas ranging from planning to scheduling to budgeting. The diversity of critical tasks takes a lot of energy and skill to ensure a successful business. Your boss is a human being, and just like everyone else and those who go above and beyond deserve the same workplace appreciation as any other employee.

Instead of the typical candy or flowers, you can use your attitude and actions oriented towards your boss, at the workplace to show your appreciation for your boss in a more meaningful way. Here, some ideas are presented to help you show that you sincerely care about your boss and your job:

Be On Time

The saying goes, ‘to be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late, to be late is unacceptable’. Similarly, getting to work - ready and on time is the first impression that you make each day. As such, try getting your outfit ready, the night before to save time in the morning. Check your calendar to get to the meetings on time each day. Your boss is sure to appreciate and be impressed by your readiness at work.

Invite Open and Professional Communication

It is far easier to have a business run smoothly when the team members are in openly interacting and sharing how they’re doing at work, especially in case of any problems. Stressing out over a difficult project doesn’t do anyone good. Address any work-related concerns or complaints you have with your boss in a timely and professional manner. This approach also helps to be open to honest feedback on how you may be able to improve. Effective leaders will be glad to help find a solution, and grateful that the issue doesn’t continue to linger.

Offer to Help Where You Can

Having a ‘can-do’ attitude at work is a way to get noticed for all the right reasons. A tight deadline or gap in scheduling, in case a coworker is sick, results in adding more work to your boss’s plate. Offer a coworker help if you see them struggling with something you’re adept in, or task yourself on a project that needs more attention. Your boss is sure to appreciate that you are someone she or he can rely on for more than their assigned duties.

These subtle but imperative ways of showing your boss appreciation not only helps your boss but also helps you move forward in your career. Fostering a good relationship with your boss will come in handy when you need their support for a raise, promotion, or even a referral. Thus, finding ways to show thanks in worthwhile ways will go a long way.
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