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Social Distancing Meditation with Coworkers Works Wonders for Employees

Harvard Medical School recommends yoga and meditation to quell anxiety, saying it’s “a saying it’s “a tried and true way to relax.”

By Jessica Lollino - March 20, 2020

Does Desktop Meditation Work as Well as Traditional Classes?

Meditation has become a buzzword of some sort over the last few years. What was once reserved for monks and Eastern gurus, meditation is now something everyone does. Meditation is simply the process of training the mind to focus and redirect thoughts. Now more than ever, it’s important to exercise control over your mind to stay positive, grounded, and healthy. Harvard Medical School even recommends yoga and meditation to quell anxiety, saying it’s “a tried and true way to relax.”

In wake of the recent health issues that face the world, it’s more important than it’s ever been to meditate; however, with state, government, and the World Health Organization’s recommendation to practice social distancing, how can you learn to meditate and engage in regular practice? How can employers help employees cope during this time by offering meditation? The answer is simply – offer and engage in desktop meditation.

What is Desktop Meditation?
Desktop Meditation brings meditation instruction to your screen. Log in to a 30 or 60 minute live class via Zoom where you’ll encounter the soft, soothing voices of some of our best instructors as they usher you to a place of inner peace and calm so you can relieve anxiety in the mind, tension in the body, and redirect thoughts to a positive place. Besides a screen and the desire to relax and gain focus, nothing else is needed. Since the class is live and not recorded on an app, students have an instructor with them who will tailor the class for the group and be available before and after for questions and recommendations.

Can I get the same benefits as I do with on-site yoga and meditation?
Absolutely! In fact, some people prefer meditating in their homes because they find they are more comfortable in their own space.  There are many benefits of desktop meditation which overlap with more traditional classes such as:
  • Reduction in anxiety and stress
  • Reduction of tension in the body
  • Pain relief
  • Headache relief
  • Improve sleep
  • Improves mood
  • Promotes focus
  • Promotes creativity
Of course, there are many other benefits from desktop meditation, all of which can ease the anxiety everyone is feeling in the wake of this world-wide health event.

Why offer desktop meditation?
Major companies understand the value of giving their staff the tools to do their jobs well, and that includes desktop meditation. They know that employees need to be happy and healthy to do their jobs well. During this time of social distancing, thought-leading companies also know that teams need some time together, and desktop meditation gives them that chance to see each other in a social realm. One of the cons of social distancing is a decrease in the ability to relate to and communicate with others. Desktop Meditation is a way to commune and can prompt employees to check in with one another on occasion and ensure communication across all lines is positive and productive. With all of this in mind and the benefits it provides, desktop meditation is one way to keep your business thriving during the good times and through challenging times, like now.

Have questions or ready to Put Desktop Meditation for you?
Just give us a call at 888.673.2535 or email us to get an instant quote. We’re excited to show you just how much a little guided breathwork can do!

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